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10 Euro Playstation Network Card DE

Quick Overview

Only for the German Playstation Store!

Card will be shipped within 1(!) minute around the clock.


10 Euro Playstation Network Card DE

Payment system Price
Anruf (0900)


This digital code is sent within 1 minute (!) Automatically via email.

This code will add 10EURO to your Playstation Network account.This card provides a convenient mode of payment without needing to specify your bank account or credit card number. Simply log in, redeem the code and you get 10 EURO on your Playstation Network balance.

Payment of coupons:

Payment Charges vouchers depending on payment method you see above (for example, the total price when paying by Instant Transfer or paysafecard). These charges are higher than for other products. In an advanced payment / normal bank transfer we do not charge fees.

About Playstation Network Points

PlayStation Network Cards is a great way to add 10 EURO easily to your PlayStation Network wallet. Just purchase a PlayStation Network Card, enter the 12-digit code and then you can download some great content.
Now you can purchase PlayStation 3 and PSP content, many PlayStation Home and even songs from the SingStore on PlayStation Store.
PlayStation Network cards make a great gift for friends and family.

Note: To avoid misunderstandings you please notice that the code offered here is redeemable only on the German (DE) PlayStation Network Store.

Other advantages:
- German and english support via live chat and email Monday - Friday 12:00 pm - 6:00pm.
- Extremely fast delivery (less than 1 minute!).
- Orders are delivered around the clock (24/7).

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The logos and trademark used belong to the respective owners and are used only for product identification.